2014 Plant Variety List

2014 Plant Variety List

2014 Plant Variety List

For anyone who’s interested I have decided to provide a list of all the fruit and vegetable varieties we are growing (trying to grow) this year.

We grow organic and focus on mostly heirloom varieties (they’re totally the tastiest!)


Tomatoes: Black Krim, Martino’s Roma, Zebra, Blondkopfchen, Chalk’s Early Jewel

Summer Squash: Black Beauty Zucchini, Summer Crookneck (yellow)

Winter Squash: Anna Swartz Hubbard, Waltham Butternut, Delicata

Corn: Golden Bantam Improved,

Beans: Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean, Royalty Purple Pod, Provider

Peas: Green Arrow, British Wonder

Snap Peas: Amish Snap, Mammoth Melting

Carrots: Danvers, Dragon

Beets: Early Blood Turnip, Chioggia Guardsmark

Chard: Rainbow Mix

Onions: Yellow of Parma

Broccoli: De Cicco

Peppers: King of the North

Cucumber: Early Fortune

Lettuce: Gold Rush

Herbs: Sweet Basil, Chives

Asparagus: unknown variety


Apples: Honeycrisp (1 Semi-Dwarf), Jonathan Red (1 Semi-Dwarf)

Peaches: Reliance (2 Dwarf)

Strawberries: Tribute Everbearer, unknown variety of June bearer

Red Raspberries: Himbo Top Primocane

Blueberries: BlueGold highbush, NorthBlue lowbush, North Country lowbush

Melons: Amish, Black Mountain Watermelon, Sweet Granite

Grapes: Concord Seedless

Potatoes: Yukon Gold

Flowers: Rostov Sunflowers

Coming Soon: In the next few days we will be planting Regiment Baby Salad Spinach, French Breakfast Radishes, Early Prolific Straightneck Yellow Squash, and possibly more Cukes. Thankfully we have recently acquired two small green houses so we will also have some lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and other greens as fall crops. Of course garlic for next year will also be part of the fall planting.

In other huge news we made an awesome Craigslist find and now Rabbit Ridge Farm has a new rototiller! Well it’s new to us anyway it was actually made in the 70s but the important part is that it isn’t tiny and it runs and tills!



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