A Year in Reflection and Homestead Resolutions

A Year in Reflection and Homestead Resolutions

A Year in Reflection and Homestead Resolutions

Despite not making a lot of money we actually had a great first year. We grew tons of produce and began establishing a customer base. We also had a lot of firsts.

Personally this was the largest garden I had every managed and it was actually easier than I initially anticipated. We got off to a late start but still were able to pull off great results with everything we grew. We hope to expand even more in 2015.

With this produce we went to our first Farmer’s Market (as a seller) and canned for the first time. We actually still have plenty of tomatoes and pickles stored from this summer. Next year we’re excited to try dehydrating and pressure canning.

I learned how to make soap and  greatly improved my knitting skills. I can now confidently knit hats, mittens, scarves, etc.

So looking back I would say that we had a great year. What was it like on your homestead?

Now onto the resolutions.

1.) Run the farm more like an actual business.

This is not to say that we haven’t been trying however we need to come up with a more organized system for keeping track of expenses and profits as well create a better seed starting schedule and work on general garden layout/organization. Another upgrade we need for our business is a produce scale.

2.) Expand our garden.

We would like to expand on our own property and are looking at the possibility of leasing some other local property.

3.) Be happy.

Okay so I know this probably is a bit cliche but I truly mean it. Too often I have been concerned with what we can have someday, like when we have more land, and not taken the time to realize that what we have now is actually really awesome.

4.) Keep learning.

We have learned so much and become much more self reliant in 2014 and we are hoping to keep up that momentum for 2015. Some of our many aspirations include mushroom cultivation, more complicated sewing, pressure canning, and wood turning.

5.) Build and use a hoop house and farm stand.

Okay so the hoop house just needs the plastic put on it but we hope to build a farm stand in early spring. We are so excited to be able to have early vegetables in our new hoop house and to be able to sell them from our own farm stand.

What are your plans for the new year? Feel free to leave the link to your blog or site. I love connecting with other homesteaders!

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