Book Review Series #3 – 10 Acres Enough
A great summertime, homestead read!
Though there is often very little time to relax on a farm or homestead it is important. Relaxing and enjoying calm moments is one of the things that keeps me from getting burnt out. Reading Ten Acres Enough (I know the one above reads 10 Acres is Enough but my copy excludes the is) was excellent because not only did it provide me with a little down time it was also an inspirational story about homesteading.
This book was quickly added to the list of my all time favorites. It’s a beautiful story of a family who leaves the city and puts all the energy into one little plot of land in the country and are able to reap great rewards. It reminds me of so many modern homesteaders I have spoken too and read about who leave the rat race and make do with what they have.
The primary focus of the book is on the husbands farming practices but it also gives a glimpse into the struggles of their transition to the country.
Note: This post contains affiliate links that I receive a VERY small monetary compensation for to help keep this blog running. I will never lie about products so any links included you are getting my honest opinion on.
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