Homestead Must-Reads: 5 Books for the End of Summer

Homestead Must-Reads: 5 Books for the End of Summer

Homestead Must-Reads: 5 Books for the End of Summer

Homestead Must-Reads: 5 Books for the End of Summer


Homesteading books are why I keep homesteading. Truth.

They inspire me to keep going, do even more, and strive to better my methods.

I’ll be honest it’s not a rare thing for me to question our chosen lifestyle. It seems I’m doing it less these days but that doesn’t mean I don’t have my lows. It ain’t all peaches and baby bunnies in these parts.

When times get tough I so often reach for a homestead themed book. Yes, some of these books are brutally honest and talk about their own lows but even the big hardships are usually no longer than a page or two. That certainly puts things in perspective for me.

Foxfire 2, Eliot Wigginton

I first picked up this book for a college project on literature and fiber arts (making things with fiber such as spinning wool, knitting, cordage, and needle felting). I knew then I would have to read more Foxfire.

This second edition features “ghost stories, spring wild plant foods, spinning and weaving, midwifing, burial customs, corn shuckin’s, wagon making, and more affairs of plain living.”

The introduction is excellent in and of itself (read it!). This book hits that perfect combo of history, practical information, culture, and good natured tales.  It will leave you craving the simple life.

Homesteading, Patricia Crawford

Wowza! I was not expecting this book to cost more than $5 on Amazon. I’m actually kind of sorry it is so expensive because I was really excited to share it with you guys.

Patricia Crawford goes through everything you need to know to rabbitridgefarmwv.comabout starting a sustainable homestead. She includes everything from greenhouses and home layouts, to farmstead finances, to fruit trees, to having guests over.

And she does it all in her simple, easy to understand, down to earth style.

Ten Acres EnoughEdmund Morris

rabbitridgefarmwv.comThis gem of a book was quickly added to my list of favorites.

I am re-reading it now and it’s still great. Edmund Morris recorded the story of his family’s transition to city-life to life on a small farm. Despite the book being older Edmund fit the title “modern homesteader” to a T.

He also included farm and garden plans.

Get ready to quit the rat race with the Morris family.

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Barbara Kingsolver

rabbitridgefarmwv.comI don’t actually know how many times I have re-read this book but I can tell you it has changed my life.

This book renewed my childhood passion for growing things and getting my hands in the dirt. It’s the reason I love heirlooms, kiss chickens, support other agricultural souls, and plant asparagus wherever I live.

Oddly enough it only encompasses a single year. One year of local eating and all the stories, facts, and reasonings that go with it. If you’re pondering reading any of these books your reading list should include this one.

Four-Season Harvest, Eliot Coleman

rabbitridgefarmwv.comOkay so I haven’t started yet but I am totally about too. I mean what better time then summer’s end right? It hasn’t even cooled off at all here and I’m already mourning the loss of my garden and celebrating the coming of autumn.

Everyone I’ve talked to says this is one of the must-read books for organic gardeners and farmers, my Scotty included.

I’m now especially excited since this book takes place in Maine. If Eliot Coleman can have a productive garden in a Maine winter you bet your bottom we can here in West Virginia!

Homestead Reads Book Club

I don’t know about you guys but I love books. So I was thinking what if we made this a thing. Like #homesteadreads. I’ve seen a lot of book clubs but never a homestead book club and we gotta fix that.

Starting now join me (pretty, pretty please) in sharing a few of your favorite books each season. In the future it will be fall, winter, spring, and summer but for now do an end of summer, like me, to get the ball rolling.

Write a blogpost about it. Or if your not a blogger tweet or post a Facebook status about it. Then message me. I am all about book recommendations.  Maybe some day we’ll even read the same book and talk about it!

You see where I’m going with this? Anyway, just trust me. It’s gonna be super cool.

**Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links. Should you choose to make a purchase it won’t cost you any extra and I receive a tiny percentage. It helps keep this blogger afloat.**


rabbitridgefarmwv.comOak Hill Homestead
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Response to "Homestead Must-Reads: 5 Books for the End of Summer"

  • I love “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” as well. Hadn’t heard of the others so thanks for the recommendations. And I love the idea of a Homestead Reads Book Club!! Presently, I am checking out books from the library and not making time to actually read them. I have determined this is basically a winter activity for me while I sit by the wood stove but do have a healthy list I’ll be checking out again!

    • I know the feeling! After a busy summer winter can be so relaxing that I actually might be looking forward to it. Yikes!
      Hopefully you find some great winter reads and pass on your own recommendations.

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