Crafting Herbal Teas
Welcome autumn!
It has finally started to really cool off here and I am so, so, so grateful. In the evenings it has been dipping into the 50s. The perfect temperature for sipping tea on the porch.
Now, I enjoy said tea in an of itself, especially black tea with sugar and almond milk but there are also tons of herbal teas that are tasty, good for you, and easy to craft right at home. You’re with me on the fact that store bought herbal tea costs way to much, right?
Here’s list of some awesome herbal teas to craft yourself!
Pine Needle
Pine needle tea with a touch of maple syrup is actually one of my favorites. If you’re wondering what kind of tea you could possibly craft right now this guy is your go to. It can be harvested anytime of year, is loaded with vitamin C, and can be harvested pretty much anywhere there’s a forest.
Check out my post to read all about it.
For more vitamin C goodness with lovely natural sweetness learn how to make rosehip tea with the Homestead Lady.
I adore nettles, well except the whole walking through them part. Seriously though nettles are great. They’re basically a super food, absolutely delicious, easy to identify and harvest, and have a rich culture history of being used for food, fiber, and medicine. What more can you ask from a plant?
If you wanna learn a little more about these stinging beauties and how to use them visit Stone Axe Herbals.
This tea I had never been heard of but after reading about it on Eight Acres I just may have to give it a try!
Mint is another one of my teas of choice for a variety of reasons. For starters it is incredibly soothing for an upset stomach and I love mint flavor. It’s a win, win.
Mint has also been readily available for free my entire life. I remember as a child my grandmother had a patch next to her cabin that we would pick and make tea from. I’ve also found it growing wild and it covers basically an entire pasture at our new home! Learn more about mint and how to craft mint tea here.
Willow Bark
Willow Bark Tea was the pain reliever of our ancestors. Learn how to forage for your medicine with Live The Old Way.
Raspberry Leaf
Raspberry leaf tea has long been a beloved tea for menstrual support. While the reasons aren’t well understood I know a lot of people who swear by it. As if you needed to hear that. If it might help its worth a shot am I right?
Grow a Good Life can teach you to harvest and brew raspberry leaf tea to ease your suffering or you can check out Moontime Tea from Pixie’s Pocket that uses a blend of raspberry and other herbs.
White Clover & Red Clover
Both white and red clover blossoms make delicious teas however they do have different benefits. You can find out more about red clover tea here from The Herbal Academy and white clover tea here from Along the Garden Path.
Lemon Balm
It’s super easy to grow or can be foraged and is so good. Have it hot or iced with a little advice from Learning and Yearning!

Chaga is another one of those great teas like pine needle that can be harvested in winter when your desperate for some foraging. Chaga is actually a mushroom but don’t let that steer you away! There are some really wonderful things about chaga you can learn from the chaga experts at Stone Axe Herbals.
This fragrant little plant is a favorite of mine to spot on woodland walks and always reminds me of Christmas. Making it into a flavorful tea though takes a few tricks. To master the art of wintergreen visit Learning and Yearning.
This is yet another plant I had never heard of. Thankfully SchneiderPeeps knows all about growing it and using it in soups or tea.
None of these teas require you to be an expert herbalist, gardener, or wild crafter. Tea does not have to be complicated or expensive.
Sip, breathe, and for more tea related fun check out these posts from my fellow homestead bloggers!
- How to Make Your Own Tea Bag From a Coffee Filter from Learning and Yearning
- Herbal Teas, Infusions and Decoctions: What’s the Difference? from Learning and Yearning
- Herbal Blends for Anxiety, Insomnia and More from Live The Old Way
- Herbal Teas Recipes from The Experimental Homesteader
- Foraging for Tea – Wild Tea Recipes from Homestead Wishing
- Nourishing Weedy Tea from The Herbal Academy
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