Designing a CSA Flyer & Sign Up Sheet
A few weeks ago I let all of you in on one of our latest projects, the Rabbit Ridge Farm CSA. While I’e seen a lot of posts about planning
Huge List of Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Consumption and Waste
Have you seen that meme that’s like, “try organic food, or as your grandparents called it, “food.”” Well the same concept applies to plastic. Back in the good ole’ days life
Decorating with Native Evergreens in the South
Our first Christmas here I noticed it wasn’t just snow missing from our landscape. It hit me how much I had taken for granted being surrounded by spruce and fir
Celebrating the Solstice: A Holiday Tradition Every Homesteader Should Have
There’s a ton of controversy surrounding the holiday season. It’s pretty ridiculous really. People are upset if you say merry Christmas, happy holidays, or nothing at all. You’re a rich consumerist
Selecting Cut Flower Varieties for the Farm
Pickin’ wildflowers. That is it. That’s really all the experience I have with flowers. I don’t even generally like flowery things or colors. So guess who’s starting a cut flower garden