Products For Sale

All posts by bunny-admin

Products For Sale

I forgot to mention in the previous post that even though I didn’t sell any of our current hand carved utensils at the market I did get an order for

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24 Dollars and a Rabbit: Our First Animal Rescue

That’s exactly what I made yesterday at the farmer’s market, $24 and a rabbit. We showed up for the market a few minutes late and were startled to see no

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Farmer’s Market

This past Sunday we were able to go to our first Farmer’s Market and we actually had a decent selection to offer including zucchini, green beans, snap peas, french breakfast

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Easiest Hoop House Ever

Easiest Hoop House Ever

We’ve been talking for months about buying or building a hoop house or green house but they were all so complicated or expensive! Then we found the perfect solution. A

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The Ultimate Guide to Buying Bare Root Trees and Plants

The Ultimate Guide to Buying Bare Root Trees and Plants

You can get whole trees in the mail. Can you imagine a more exciting package? Well maybe a million dollar check but realistically trees are probably the coolest thing getting

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Busy Summer Days

It still seems like summer just finally got here and yet we’re already part way through it. In the past few days a lot has been accomplished. The new rototiller

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2014 Plant Variety List

For anyone who’s interested I have decided to provide a list of all the fruit and vegetable varieties we are growing (trying to grow) this year. We grow organic and

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Veggies on the Way!

… and some fruit. While there is still a lot of work to be done things are actually looking pretty good around here. Everything is getting a little bigger everyday!

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