Learning to Live Without: 50+ Things We Never By as Homesteaders
Here are some items we no longer (or never) purchase on our homestead and what we buy or do instead. Social media has filled our lives with advertising and consumption.
Foraging: Oyster Mushrooms
One of the first mushrooms I learned to identify, and forage was the oyster mushroom. These tasty mushrooms are relatively easy to identify safely and are common throughout North America.
Key Elements of an Off Grid Homestead
For a few short weeks there I was really feeling like we had a handle on everything. Then of course the reality of this life we’ve chosen came crashing back
16 Vegan Protein Sources that You Can Grow in Your Backyard
One of the criticisms I’ve heard about vegan homesteading is that you just can’t live off vegetables. To be honest I totally get where they’re coming from. I read about
Decorating with Native Evergreens in the South
Our first Christmas here I noticed it wasn’t just snow missing from our landscape. It hit me how much I had taken for granted being surrounded by spruce and fir
Celebrating the Solstice: A Holiday Tradition Every Homesteader Should Have
There’s a ton of controversy surrounding the holiday season. It’s pretty ridiculous really. People are upset if you say merry Christmas, happy holidays, or nothing at all. You’re a rich consumerist
Building the Foundation for an Off Grid Home
Beautiful houses aren’t built in a day. That’s what I have to keep reminding myself anyways. Seriously though things are going really well. We just got a third wall up
Romanticize the Hell Outa Homesteading
In my usual pursuing of homestead blogs I’ve noticed this re-occuring theme. Almost all the blogs I’ve read have at some point mentioned how homesteading isn’t as romantic as it
Racing Towards Winter
Fall is a sprint. It’s like that bite in the air that we wake up to every morning now speeds everything up. Spring is supposed to be the season
Crafting Herbal Teas
Welcome autumn! It has finally started to really cool off here and I am so, so, so grateful. In the evenings it has been dipping into the 50s. The perfect