Our Tiny House Dilemma

Archives : October, 2015

Our Tiny House Dilemma

As we gear up to graduate and begin the work on our new house we have been researching and planning for the construction of our new home. We have settled

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Small Steps In Becoming a Homesteader

Many of you have probably read about our recent transition to a larger piece of land and our ever expanding garden and homesteading skills but we didn’t start like this.

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The Best Homesteading Advice I’ve Ever Gotten

When I first started gardening and making my own bread I had no idea how far simple acts like those would lead. In a way that may have been a

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Last 5 Purchases

Most homesteaders aim to live simpler lives and make more conscious and less purchases than your average consumer, but we still buy things. It’s also perfectly fine, although being a

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Black Walnut Dye

Black Walnut Dye

Needless to say after the big move to West Virginia things were pretty hectic. We also had a lot of unforeseen family issues to deal with so we didn’t get

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